Sunday 23 January 2011

7:Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product

I have improved a lot from doing my school magazine to now my music magazine I have come a long way I can now use fireworks then before when I had no knowledge of how to use it and really struggled to get to grips with it. This was also the same for Photoshop but now for example I can now edit photos on Photoshop making them stand out more air brushing their skin, and even changing their hair colour. I am also confident now making magazines on fireworks editing words and creating fonts, I have also learnt how to download fonts from the internet to incorporate them into my design to make them look more visual appealing  and also creating PowerPoint’s and different ways of displaying text rather than just words & pictures. I also learnt what goes into making a magazine sell how to make it grab the reader’s attention & including certain aspects of normal magazines for example and editor’s letter. Overall I think I have created an effective and professional looking magazine.

6:What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

5:How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?

blueprint Cover
(Click On Photo To see tags)


(Click On Photo To see tags)

Magazine Grid
I've also asked some members of my school who i feel fit my target audience well what they thought of my magazine & personal opinions on it. here are a few quotes from the interview on what they thought:
What do you think of the front cover of Blueprint?
“I think it looks really professional I like the way the text is positioned on the page and I really like the photo, it really catches my eye & I think it’s really effective”
“I like the bands featured on the front cover, which makes me want to read on”
“The name of the magazine, it’s pretty cool it looks like a real magazines masthead and I like the font used”
“The colours look good as they aren’t too over the top but more effective”
“sex, drugs & rock n roll sounds good to me & makes me want to read on”
What do you think of the contents page?
“I like the way you’ve kept the same colours as the front cover”
“Using the Polaroid effects make it looks retro”
“I think the layout looks really good with all the different borders and the editor’s letter is pretty funny”
“I really like the colours you’ve used they look fresh”
“I thought the image of Eva looks really professional I’ve seen that in other magazines”
“I like all the different sections & articles featured, and they give you a little description underneath of what it’s about”
“It’s really nice & clearly laid out”
What do you think of the double page spread?
“I liked the little quotes put in, they were pretty interesting”
“I thought the review on the page was an extra good feature as it made me actually want to buy the album”
“I think the images are very effective done and look really professional done like they were done in a studio”
“I like the layout of the page it’s really clear”
“I like the extra’s bit at the bottom I thought that was really effective”
“The introduction was really interesting and made me want to read the rest of article I thought the colours also worked well”
“You’ve kept the same theme as the contents & title page which I thought was good”

4:Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product

My typical target audience would be universal (male/female) I have styled it & written it so it can appeal to both sexes 

They are aged between 16-25 either in Uni or College/Six form, who’s always plugged into there iPod finding out what’s new in the music world, they don’t like to stick to just one genre of music they like everything, they enjoys going to many different gig’s & festivals all over the country from Glastonbury to V, Music is in there heart & soul. They have a part time job earning £400 a month, so has the flexibility to splash out on some luxuries while saving for Uni or clubbing. Living in the heart of London gives them the opportunity to go to many live acts from David Bowie too Eminem they've seen a far few and doesn’t want to stop. In there group they are known for their trendsetting and what’s new, they gets there before the crowd. They spends most weekends in Oxford Street venturing down to Camden town Buying clothing, vinyl’s, Cd’s & DVD’s.
They like living life to the max & the same goes with Their music.

3: What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

The media institute I have decide to run the magazine with is IPC media as I think it suits the best, they have a wide range of other music magazines for example “NME’ or “uncut” I feel they are rather biased towards a certain genre of music with my music magazine it has a much broad approach with lots of different genre’s of music which I feel is the gap in the market IPC media are not covering as well as others. My audience would know IPC from the other well known music magazines it publishes which will again influence buyers to try a new magazine “blueprint” the only down fall I would say is that it is a UK based media institution, but if it does well it could then be sold world wide to another company such as Wenner media who deal with big American magazines such as the rolling stones & spin magazine. I choose IPC media, as I do not think it will be in competition with its other magazines.

Saturday 22 January 2011

2: How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups (Music magazine Evaluation)

 When taking my photos I used spin magazine to influence my magazine cover I tried to get the same kind of expression which is used in the spin magazine front cover as I thought it looked interesting although I did not want the artist to look aggressive so I did not use the hands or pout so much I also made the lip stick bright like the spin photo to make her lips stand out and look more seductive & glamour’s the photo it’s self is positioned in the same shot (medium close up) which I think is more effective then a long or close up so the audience can get a better idea of what the artist is like from there clothes and hand gestures. I wanted her posing to be natural as I feel the spin magazine is to over posed so does not look natural, the lighting was quite a bright exposure to make her glow more and make it feel more professional shot like the spin magazine shot. Overall I feel that my magazine reflects a teenage/ young adult group as the people featured in my magazine are normal looking and young like them & are quite simple photos, which the audience can relate to more.

Using the Polaroid pictures I felt it gave a more retro feel to the magazine and would appeal to audience more as Polaroid’s have been around for a long time but are still used a lot by young and older people making them want to find out about the story I also changed the colors the black & white to make it look more professional & to emphasis the crowd and the lighting in the background I was influenced by this picture used in a recent NME magazine.

In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?(Music magazine Evaluation)