Saturday 22 January 2011

2: How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups (Music magazine Evaluation)

 When taking my photos I used spin magazine to influence my magazine cover I tried to get the same kind of expression which is used in the spin magazine front cover as I thought it looked interesting although I did not want the artist to look aggressive so I did not use the hands or pout so much I also made the lip stick bright like the spin photo to make her lips stand out and look more seductive & glamour’s the photo it’s self is positioned in the same shot (medium close up) which I think is more effective then a long or close up so the audience can get a better idea of what the artist is like from there clothes and hand gestures. I wanted her posing to be natural as I feel the spin magazine is to over posed so does not look natural, the lighting was quite a bright exposure to make her glow more and make it feel more professional shot like the spin magazine shot. Overall I feel that my magazine reflects a teenage/ young adult group as the people featured in my magazine are normal looking and young like them & are quite simple photos, which the audience can relate to more.

Using the Polaroid pictures I felt it gave a more retro feel to the magazine and would appeal to audience more as Polaroid’s have been around for a long time but are still used a lot by young and older people making them want to find out about the story I also changed the colors the black & white to make it look more professional & to emphasis the crowd and the lighting in the background I was influenced by this picture used in a recent NME magazine.

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