Sunday 23 January 2011

5:How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?

blueprint Cover
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Magazine Grid
I've also asked some members of my school who i feel fit my target audience well what they thought of my magazine & personal opinions on it. here are a few quotes from the interview on what they thought:
What do you think of the front cover of Blueprint?
“I think it looks really professional I like the way the text is positioned on the page and I really like the photo, it really catches my eye & I think it’s really effective”
“I like the bands featured on the front cover, which makes me want to read on”
“The name of the magazine, it’s pretty cool it looks like a real magazines masthead and I like the font used”
“The colours look good as they aren’t too over the top but more effective”
“sex, drugs & rock n roll sounds good to me & makes me want to read on”
What do you think of the contents page?
“I like the way you’ve kept the same colours as the front cover”
“Using the Polaroid effects make it looks retro”
“I think the layout looks really good with all the different borders and the editor’s letter is pretty funny”
“I really like the colours you’ve used they look fresh”
“I thought the image of Eva looks really professional I’ve seen that in other magazines”
“I like all the different sections & articles featured, and they give you a little description underneath of what it’s about”
“It’s really nice & clearly laid out”
What do you think of the double page spread?
“I liked the little quotes put in, they were pretty interesting”
“I thought the review on the page was an extra good feature as it made me actually want to buy the album”
“I think the images are very effective done and look really professional done like they were done in a studio”
“I like the layout of the page it’s really clear”
“I like the extra’s bit at the bottom I thought that was really effective”
“The introduction was really interesting and made me want to read the rest of article I thought the colours also worked well”
“You’ve kept the same theme as the contents & title page which I thought was good”

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