Monday 20 December 2010

Main Task (Music Magazine Questionnaire Results)

I have found out a lot from my questionnaire:

Following my research I have found out that 60% of people buy monthly music magazines, this shows me that they want a lot of information in the magazine as a month is a long time. The main appeal is to male public with over 75% to 25% interested in music magazines. I have also found that most like a mixture of articles that attract them to magazines entertainment wins with 45% while reviews at 35%, celebrities and technology take up the % left, I will take this into consideration when creating my magazine and what to put in my content and double page spread. Most of the public I asked read magazines for style and fashion advice (45%) I will take this into consideration when producing my magazine.  I have also learnt the majority of people read NME magazine (40%) with Q closes followed this will help me with what genre of music I should base my magazine on as these magazines mainly focus on alternative music. Most enjoy reading magazines for the interviews in them while festival knowledge and gig reviews are second and then fashion tips and advice. I also asked what colours they would like included in the magazine I got the following feedback were bright & bold (35%), Black & white(15%), Red & Black & Green(10%), Blue, White, Gray (40%) with this I intended to you blue, white & grey in my magazine.

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