Monday 20 December 2010

Main Task (Music Magazine Questionaire)

I also constructed a questionnaire to see what my peers wanted from a magazine, here is a sample of the questionnaire:
Please circle which one you have chosen
1.      What age are you?
12-15             16-19      20-25     25+

2.      What gender are you?
Male    female

3.      How often would you like the magazine to be released?
Weekly      Fortnight    Monthly  

4.      What attracts you to music magazines?
Entertainment    Articles    Gossip   Reviews   Celebrities   other

If you have picked other please state what ………………………………………………………………………………

5.      What magazines do you usually buy?
Gossip        sports         cars          gaming     style & fashion   film/TV     other

If you have picked other please state what ………………………………………………………………………………

6.      What music magazines do you read?
NME      Q      MOJO    Rolling stones     kerrang    word    other

 If you have picked other please state what

7.      What music would you like to be included in the magazine (genre)?
Indie     rock      pop     country     dance     hip-hop    rap    RnB    Alternative   Other

If you have picked other please state what ………………………………………………………………………………

8.      What articles would you like in magazine?
Celebrity gossip    interviews   festival knowledge    gig reviews    fashion tips   other

If you have picked other please state what ………………………………………………………………………………

9.      What colours would you like to see in the magazine?

10.  What image would you like to see on the front of the cover?
Celebrity    musician   festival photos    gig photos   other

If you have picked other please state what ………………………………………………………………………………

11.  Would you want one primary image on the front cover?
Yes      No 

 State your reason for your choice

12.  What kind of shot would you like to see on the front cover?
Extreme close up   close up   mid shot    wide shot   long shot    other

If you have picked other please state what …………………………………………………………………………………

13.  What kind of expressions would you like to see on the cover of the magazine?
Angry      happy     surreal     natural    bold    other

If you have picked other please state what …………………………………………………………………………………

14.  What background would you like to see on the magazine front cover?


Thank you for answering my questionnaire

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